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All association volunteers are required to register with the Sault Ringette Club (SRC) and to comply with Ringette Ontario's Screening Policy.
This includes:
You are required to upload the following completed document to your RAMP account: Ringette Ontario Screening Disclosure Form - click here to download
You will not be able to complete your registration without submitting the completed form. For volunteers 18 years of age and older, you will need to also provide the association with one of the following:
Criminal Record Check (CRC) - for all Team Staff of 18+ teams, and the SRC Board of Directors.
Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) - for all Team Staff of U19 and younger teams
The Association will accept CRCs/VSCs for the current season provided it has been less than 1 year from the date of issue. After a period of 3 years, all volunteers will need to complete a new CRC/VSC.
1) If you have already provided SRC with a PRC/CRC within the last 3 years, please contact the SRC Registrar to verify.
2) If you have a current CRC/VSC dated less than one year from your registration date, you can upload the document during registration.
3) If you require a new CRC/VSC, you can complete the registration process and update your account.
VSC checks can be completed directly in Ramp for $25 (you will still need to download the PDF and upload to your profile), or you can complete the VSC through the Sault Ste. Marie Police for $15 then upload the PDF to your Ramp profile. These checks are done at the volunteers expense.
For the safety and protection of the club and players, volunteers will not be able to participate in any Ringette activities until you have
1) Registered as per above
2) Provided the SRC with a CRC or VSC.
If you have any questions, please contact the SRC Registrar at Registrar@saultringette.com
Thank You!